
What Other people say about us.

Emails From Clients:

70 year old male with long-standing COPD treated with 1 session of stem cells:

On the 25th of October 2020 I received stem cells from Dr: Carlos for COPD . At that time I was using Symbicort 160/4.5 twice daily
and a rescue inhaler pretty much every four hours and I was also using Nasacort four puffs twice daily to control my sinuses. I do not use any of these inhalers at this time as my breathing has improved considerably. I waited longer than I had planned to do this because the Coronavirus was raging everywhere

John F. from Oklahoma, USA

43 year old male with long history of severe low back pain with 1 session of stem cells

I hurt my lower back in 2001. Since then I rehurt it about 3 times a year to where I could barely walk. It always was sore no matter what, I was taking all kinds of pain relievers and considered getting surgery. I heard about stem cells so I got ahold of Dr. Carlos went down and had it done. Within one week I noticed a difference the deep down pain I always had was gone. And now its been three
months and I forgot how it used to hurt. I would recommend this to anyone

Joshua R. from Alaska, USA

70 year old male with history of peripheral neuropathy with 1 session of stem cells who complained like he was walking on rocks and after therapy no longer complained of it

I have been suffering from neuropathy since a knee replacement 5 years ago. The pins and needles I experienced increased till it felt like nails. I would say I was experiencing pain at an 8 on a scale of 10.  A Google search for cures turned up nothing. Fortunately I was put in touch with Dr. Carlos who offered stem cell therapy which he thought would have a good chance of relieving the pain. I am a skeptic, but I try to live an active lifestyle. I could see it slipping away. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Carlos. I knew it was a gamble, but felt the necessity to try something. I went to his clinic in Mexicali, was greeted professionally, and the entire procedure
was performed competently. Unfortunately I walked out with the same pain as I entered. I thought at least I tried.  A week later it seemed to kick in, and my pain went from an 8 to a 2. I just completed a three day Pickleball camp. Three 7 hr. clinics. Completed with no problem other than my lack of training due to staying off my feet. I am now getting into shape. I am doing things I had given up ever doing. Even getting a ski pass for next season. Feeling that confident. Any questions, I will happily respond. For me, it was miraculous. Anyone that suffers from this malady
should consider this treatment.

Lewis R. from Nevada, USA

64 year old male with history of severe progressive bilateral knee pain

Mi nombre es Cesar S., padezco  de ARTROSIS CRONICA  hace 20 anos que me diagnosticaron el mal, al principio no me molestaba demasiado pero con el tiempo comence a sentir molestias que se fueron agravando.
Asi que comence a buscar mecanismos para tratarme de ambas rodillas, tomaba calmantes que al principio trabajaban pero todo se fue degenerando, cambie de especialista, lo primero que me recomendo que dejara de hacer ejercicio ni caminar distancias largas. El Dr me receto GLUCOSAMINA CON CONDROTIN y otros medicamentos que no vienen al caso la degeneracion continuaba y me recomendo que me haga KNEE REPLACEMENT, cosa que no me queria hacer, me trate con quiropracticos, ejercicios a la rodilla,masages ctcc. Me comentaban que la ciencia estaba avansando tan rapido que en cualquier momento iban a encontrar alguna solucion. En internet comence a buscar y encontre que mi mal se podia mejorar con CELULAS MADRES.
Queria informarme un poco mas y encontre comentarios importantes de este tratamiento, asi que decidi que antes de una cirugia iba a intentar con este producto ( CELULAS MADRES). El problema era que era demasiado caro y en mi caso eran mis 2 rodillas. Buscando encontre que en San Diego CA lo podian hacer y era muchisimo mas barrato que en la ciudad que estoy, llame al # telefonico y hable con el Dr. Michael D Carlos. Cuando me comunique con El me explico el procedimientos los pros y contras y decidi tomar el riesgo.
Tengo 3 meses desde que me inyectaron en  las 2 rodillas y he sentido una mejoria que me llena de optimismo, me siento mucho mejor estoy esperando con paciencia cumplirlos 8 meses para volver a injectarme que es lo que me han recomendado. Espero que este testimonio sirva para otras personas que estan atravesando por este problema.
months and I forgot how it used to hurt. I would recommend this to anyone

Cesar S. from Peru

My name is E** B**…I received a 50mil stem cell procedure in October and my knees are getting stronger day by day it’s an amazing procedure. Now I’m on the ice and actively playing pickleball.
Emelio from Alaska